Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nissan Announces Better and More Frequent Charging options!

While Nissan is expanding the single-charge range on its all-electric Leaf, the Japanese automaker is also working on shortening the distance between publicly accessible quick-charge stations.

Nissan is collaborating with CarCharging Group to deploy more quick chargers throughout the most Leaf-heavy parts of the country. Specifically, about 48 Nissan-branded quick chargers will soon be offered in California and on the East Coast. Such chargers can provide energy to fill 80 percent of the Leaf's battery capacity in about 30 minutes. CarCharging Group is also developing a mobile app that will give users real-time information on charging-station locations.

Earlier this month, Nissan said it has exceeded 25,000 Leaf sale in the US. Through the first four months of the year, the company more than doubled sales (compared to 2012) to 5,476 vehicles and is coming off two of its best sales months ever for the little EV.

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