Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Woman’s Guide to the Dealership: Your First Visit

Perhaps you’re a woman who doesn’t particularly relish the prospect of visiting a car dealership. If so, believe our team at Sheehy Nissan of Mechanicsville when we say you’re not alone. In what is still a very male-dominated environment, women are often put off by the idea of being patronized, or not understanding some of the more technical details about buying a used or new car. However, there's no reason for any woman to feel nervous about visiting a car dealership. Calm those first-time nerves with this simple guide to your first visit.

Do some homework first

It's seldom a good idea to walk straight into a dealership without doing any type of homework, and that goes for any gender. It's no different than visiting the supermarket, for instance. You need a clear reason for your visit, with a basic shopping list in mind. Do some research online to find out what sort of car you would like to buy. Try to narrow down your choices to a few options, so the dealer doesn't have to start from scratch. If you have a basic idea of what you want, the dealer will be able to give you more specific advice.

Ask the right questions

Dealers may wrongly assume that, because you are a woman, you are only interested in specific things about the car. Make sure that the dealer knows you mean business by asking questions about the power, reliability, fuel efficiency and any other practical/technical issues that concern you. Like any other buyer, you want to know that you are getting value for money, and that the car is going to be a sensible investment. Set the scene correctly from the beginning, and ask the right questions.

Make sure you are thorough

Don't let the dealer rush you into a decision. Make it clear that you want all the right information and that you want to take the car for a test drive, too. Don't feel embarrassed about taking notes, or telling the dealer that you may want to get a second opinion from somebody else.

Get ready to negotiate

Women are just as capable of striking a good deal as men, so make sure you get a good price. Don't give away your budget right away. Also, conduct a price check online to be well-informed prior to arriving at the dealership.

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