Friday, May 30, 2014

Must-Do Maintenance for Summer

Whether it's to the beach, the pool, or Uncle Gary's July 4th barbecue, higher temperatures mean more driving. It's easier to be on the road in summertime than in winter. Sudden downpours can make surfaces slippery, but there's (usually) no snow or ice to worry about, and plentiful daylight ensures good visibility. Surprisingly, though, long road trips in high temperatures can be hard on both car and occupants, and who wants to break down in the middle of nowhere?

Schedule some summer maintenance
Cooling systems and air conditioning work harder when the mercury rises, so have a technician check them out before hitting the highway. Tires, batteries, and windshield washers can all cause problems as well, so add them to the list. Here are five things to ask about when you go in for summer maintenance:

Engine cooling
It's not just a case of checking that the radiator or reservoir are full - and NEVER open a hot radiator cap! Coolant needs replacing every few years to avoid corrosion inside the engine and radiator. Hoses should be inspected for signs of cracking and replaced as necessary. Ask to have them swapped out when the coolant is changed.
Oil also provides a lot of engine cooling, taking heat away from the cylinders to the pan or sump where it gets transferred to the moving air. If it's been a few months since your last oil and filter change, get this done too.

Occupant cooling
A non-functioning A/C system can overheat passengers, leading to frayed tempers and a ruined trip. Air conditioning systems can leak refrigerant gradually over time, so have a technician check the system thoroughly. If there are leaks you'll want to get them fixed as the leaking gas is bad for the environment as well as your wallet!
Many modern vehicles also have a cabin air filter to keep out dust and contaminants. These will clog up over time, reducing the volume of air that can blow through. Have the tech add an air filter replacement to his "To-Do" list.

Tire pressures
As hot air expands in the tires their pressures increase. Throw in the heating during a long drive over sun-baked asphalt and pressure levels could get high enough to cause a blowout. Have your tires checked while the a/c and cooling system are updated.

Windshield wipers and washers
Summer brings bugs, and on a long trip many end up on your windshield. It's important that the washers are working properly so you can wash those bugs away and maintain visibility. Don't forget to have the blades replaced at the same time!

Battery check
Winter is notoriously hard on batteries, but the high temperatures of summer can be worse. Temperatures under the hood can easily exceed 100°F and that dramatically shortens battery life. Starting may not be a problem before the freezing temperatures of winter arrive, but it's prudent to have an auto shop check the battery. It's always better to replace ahead of time than struggle with a car that won't start on a December morning!

Don't let your car spoil your summer
Memories are made from road trips, picnics and vacations. Don't let car trouble make those memories bad ones. Talk to our technicians at Sheehy Nissan of Mechanicsville about getting your vehicle in shape for summer.

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