Monday, May 26, 2014

Nissan Held a Silent Race to Demonstrate the Nissan LEAF’s Quiet Power

Have you “heard” the latest about the Nissan LEAF? If not, that’s the point. You might have to strain to hear the LEAF’s nearly silent 100% electric engine in action. In an effort to prove just how silent the Nissan LEAF electric engine is, Nissan pulled a daring stunt in one of Europe’s quietest villages.

Nissan set up a race course in the middle of this village, on International Hearing Awareness day. Then, in the middle of the night, they raced Nissan LEAF vehicles around the town. The goal? Don’t wake anyone up, not even the chickens in the backyard.

The results were jaw-dropping. At one point in the video, a LEAF races past, mere feet from a chicken, and the chicken just keeps on snoozing. No one woke up, not even when the Nissan LEAF vehicles whipped around corner after corner at drag-race speeds.

Why do we care about the LEAF’s silent engine? We already know that electric vehicles cut down on pollution by eliminating fuel emissions, but now we know the LEAF’s quiet presence will cut down on noise pollution, too. Stop by Sheehy Nissan of Mechanicsville today for a test drive and hear the difference for yourself!

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