Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Nissan and Adam Levine Declare December 15th "Red Thumb Day"

Nissan, in partnership with Maroon 5’s Adam Levine, has declared December 15th “Red Thumb Day” to raise awareness for the fatalities caused by texting and driving.

“Red Thumb Day” is based on a program created by Steve Babcock of EVB advertising – “Red Thumb Reminder.” The new campaign, promoted by Nissan and Adam Levine, encourages all drivers to mark their thumbs red on their own, or with a Red Thumb Reminder Band available at local Nissan dealerships. The red is meant to serve as a reminder not to text and drive, on “Red Thumb Day” and every day after.  

At Sheehy Nissan Mechanicsville, we’re proud Nissan is backing such an important cause. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports statistics that show cell phones are involved in 1.6 million auto crashes each year, causing a half-million injuries and taking 6,000 lives annually. Join us in the effort to turn our thumbs red, and you could prevent injury or death on the road – and it might be your own.

For more information about Red Thumb and to find out where you can get your own Red Thumb Band, visit or contact us at Sheehy Nissan of Mechanicsville. 

Image: Nissan

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