Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nissan Restores Luke Aker’s 1996 Nissan Maxima

 Craigslist fans probably remember Luke Aker’s ad that went viral last year. He advertised his downtrodden 1996 Nissan Maxima GLE ironically as “Luxury Defined,” and enticed buyers to invest in this vehicle that “will get you from point A to point B…most of the time.” And Nissan bought it.

After Nissan picked up the old Maxima, they reached out to Motor Authority fans to decide what should be done with the car. The fans voted that the car should be refurbished and “returned to its former glory” – and return it did. Nissan repaired and updated the car from the inside out, and the result was better than a fixer-upper. The 1996 Nissan Maxima is now a fully capable sedan. Motor Authority testers got to take the new and improved Maxima around for a spin, and they said “it’s likely the best 1996 Maxima to be found today on the planet earth.”

Click here for more details from Motor Authority on this blast from the past. 

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